Looking back at 2022

Simon Croft

In our 2021 wrap up blog, we acknowledged a ‘return to the norm’ after what was a tough time for agencies large and small. We certainly had a lot to be grateful for, but the year wasn’t without its challenges. 365 days and many rounds of tea and coffee later, we are looking back on 2022. A positive and uplifting year for Orangery during which we celebrated new team members, new clients and new horizons.

Let’s take a look back at some highlights of the year just gone, and what’s in store for 2023.

Back to business

First and foremost, we’d like to say a big thank you to our clients for making last year such a good one for us. Your support and trust never goes unnoticed, and we’ve been lucky to work with such brilliant people.

Website rebrands

We proudly launched three new sites and associated web rebrands; ChadSan, a technology-first accountancy. Yototo a game-changing food and beverage platform, and Delancey, a responsible real estate investment business.

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